Just finished grouting eight wildlife themed paving slab mosaics (40cm x 40 cm each) ready for delivery to Huby Primary School tomorrow, following last week’s two day workshop with the whole school and four parents. Can’t wait to see them in the wildlife garden. Kindly commissioned by the PTA.
Huby Primary School paving slab mosaics completed
Posted in Latest news Tagged with: community mosaic, facilitating mosaic, huby primary school mosaics, mosaic, mosaic art, mosaic artist, mosaic artist sue kershaw, mosaic commission, mosaic community art project, mosaic funding, mosaic project, mosaic workshop, Mosaic workshops, mosaics, school mosaic, schools and mosaics, sue kershaw
Sue. All the images look fantastic. Love the theme. Welcoming and exciting. Great addition to the wildlife garden.
Thanks Pat can’t wait to see you and hear all your news x
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